Untitled, lino print, 21 * 30 cm

My professional knowledge of printmaking dates to college. We studied a variety of printmaking techniques, such as etching, mono print, and linocut. Linocut was my favorite because of how appealing and genuine its fully contrasting atmosphere was to me. Additionally, this technique did not call for any expensive or sophisticated instruments, which for me as a student, made it much more practical.

After all, unlike other mediums which sometimes tend to be tedious and daunting, I find the printmaking process to be always pleasant and fun. In printmaking, before anything else, I feel engaged with the form, tool, and technique, all of which are a source of tranquility for me.

Untitled, Lino print, 21 * 30 cm
untitled, Mono print, 30 * 42 cm
untitled, Lino print, 30 * 42 cm